Ohio is for lovers


Dorothy knew what was up…There really is no place like home. As much as I love to travel and especially to Charleston coming home always feels so good. I missed my husband and its true that home is wherever your heart is. Because although he drives me crazy sometimes I can only be completely content when he is there with me.

Visiting the Carolina’s always makes my heart hurt a little bit. It’s so beautiful there and we have so many happy memories. Sometimes I wonder if we made a mistake returning home. However that chapter of our life is over and I need to be at peace with it. I love North Carolina, but Ohio is home. For some reason I love this flat farmland cloudy sky-ed state. I am an Ohio girl through an through.

I know people complain about the gray skies but I love it. Sometimes you need clouds so you appreciate the sunshine more. Just as in life you have to go through some tough times to fully appreciate the happy ones. It reminds you that life isn’t perfect and every day isn’t full of sunshine. But you make it through.

It’s hard to explain to someone who isn’t from Cleveland the love and pride I feel for my hometown. It’s something only we can understand. But for me my heart has always been in Ohio. For me it’s always been Cleveland.

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